Restore is a System which helps you to bring together all the projects that your church is running into one place so that you can truly support people holistically.
Restore keeps people at the centre of what you do, ensuring projects gravitate around people, not people around the projects.
Restore guides people through a simple questionnaire that explores a person’s whole needs and smartly creates a tailored action plan for them listing all the relevant projects that your church runs.
This means that when you support someone, it’s not just about that emergency need they came for but a chance to truly empower them by uncovering the root causes and then pulling in the various programmes and projects to support your guest to deal with those too, as well as other great services in your area.
You can see the difference that your support has made using our ‘Distance Travelled’ tools.
And keep track of your impact!
It even has a built-in stock management system for donations like furniture, including:
Restore has transformed the way we support people and it has enabled us to grow our project to the next level.
Installing Restore into Care Zone transformed the project. It enabled us to move the project to a better quality, more comfortable, smaller warehouse and has enabled us to offer Care Zone at multiple venues across the city making access to the project easier for the people we support.
It has made Care Zone a lot more efficient because it joined up various aspects of the project and also reduced some of the health & safety risks we had with our old system.
Restore empowers us to empower others.
We are looking forward to joining the growing number of churches using Restore. Having a way for volunteers to access all the information needed to be able to provide personalised and holistic support means we can empower the clients we support to take steps forward in their lives.
We run a number of Social Justice ministries (CAP Debt Advice, CAP Jobclub, CAP Lifeskills, CAP Fresh Start & The Recovery Course, Foodbank, Prison Outreach and more) and using Restore is a brilliant way to connect these groups and courses and signpost effectively. Ultimately, Restore is a tool to aid a conversation; a conversation that can bring hope, offer opportunity for change, and draw people towards the church community and towards God.
We would love to hear about the work that you do, and to see how the Restore System can support you. For a free consultation and bespoke quote, please share your details below!
01522 542166